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“I saw an advert for the beekeeping tender and fell in love with the idea of Northern Roots being the base for Hive5 Manchester. And after visiting the site there was no changing my mind! I honestly think it’s one of the best things to happen to my business.” Damson, Hive5 Manchester


Do you have a business idea that could thrive at Northern Roots?

A core objective for the Northern Roots charity is to support new local businesses and social enterprises to set up and flourish from the Northern Roots site. We are also interested in supporting existing businesses that align with our mission and objectives.

Over the last two years Northern Roots has supported businesses ranging from bee keeping to composting to Forest School, to operate on and from the Northern Roots site.

As a business based at Northern Roots you can access business support with issues including business planning, strategy, market research, marketing and financial management, to help you successfully trade at the Northern Roots site and beyond. Your business activities at Northern Roots will also be supported by our own communications and marketing activity.

In exchange for the opportunity to trade at Northern Roots, businesses are expected to ‘give back’ to local communities. This could be as simple as having a stall at Northern Roots events, or offering some free places for residents on activities or workshops you deliver at Northern Roots.

Over time, we want to grow the business community at Northern Roots. We are particularly keen to support enterprises that are rooted in and reflect the different communities of Oldham and help attract new visitors to the Northern Roots site.

If you have a business idea that you think could work at Northern Roots and want to start a conversation with us, please complete the short Expression of Interest form and send it to

We will acknowledge receipt of your form and discuss your proposal with you to see if it is something we can support at Northern Roots.

Interested in pitching a business idea?

Read Damson’s story to hear how she’s been able to develop her business at Northern Roots.