Support Us

Support Us

Northern Roots want to see Oldham flourishing with highly skilled and healthy communities, environmental stewardship ingrained in daily life, and a resilient ecosystem. Our unique model offers tangible and innovative ways to tackle economic inequality, create better health and wellbeing for all, and to mitigate climate change and loss of biodiversity.

As a newly independent registered charity we can’t achieve our bold ambitions alone. Supporting us now will make a transformational difference to Northern Roots as we expand, innovate and grow our operations and activities over the next six years.

With capital secured for the Visitor Centre complex we need to raise further funding to develop and deliver a wide range of learning, leisure, creative and urban growing facilities and projects that will benefit the environment and improve health, wellbeing and livelihoods in the town.

Whichever part of our model, site or work interests and inspires you to give, collectively our supporters are contributing to our 2030 Impact Goals and helping us position Oldham at the forefront of green urban regeneration.

If you are looking for ways to give back to your local community, make a bigger impact with your grant-making or demonstrate your social value, we’d love to discuss how you can use your passions, funding, resources, skills and time to help build a sustainable future for the people of Oldham.

Please contact to explore how you can join the growing number of likeminded local people, local businesses, corporates, grant makers, funders and partners who are helping us to transform this neglected landscape and create opportunities for all.

Northern Roots Impact Goals