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Learning & Skills

Over time Northern Roots will become a significant resource for learning and skills development.  In collaboration with a range of partners, we will deliver education, skills, qualifications and training in topics ranging from horticulture to green technologies to health and wellbeing. Learning opportunities will be developed for all ages from pre-school to adult skills.

Over the last five years, we have been trialing a range of learning and skills programmes, partnerships, and commissioned services, including:

  • Delivery of short workshops and longer training programmes in practical skills including beekeeping and compost making
  • A variety of volunteering opportunities across horticulture, conservation social prescribing and event support. These have included 8-week skills building programmes, family-friendly micro-volunteering, and corporate and one-off volunteering days.
  • Supporting young offenders and care leavers to take advantage of 6-month, paid traineeships working on landscape management and construction tasks at Northern Roots. This was a partnership with The Skills Mill and Positive Steps.
  • Delivering two and five day work experience placements for secondary school students and NEET young people.
  • Providing weekly alternate provision placements, and work placements, for high school students at risk of exclusion from school, in partnership with Positive Steps.
  • Providing summer holiday activities for children, including those in care and in receipt of free school meals.
  • Delivering curriculum related projects and challenges for Oldham College and University of Salford students on topics ranging from graphic design to soil testing to music composition.
  • Creating performance opportunities for young people taking part in the Oldham Theatre Workshop.

When the Visitor Centre and Forestry Skills Centre open in spring 2026, Northern Roots will have a range of learning facilities available, including three classrooms, two workshops, a production kitchen, and amphitheatre, in addition to a range of outdoor spaces that can be used for learning.

We are keen to hear from education and skills partners who are interested in accessing learning opportunities at Northern Roots.  For example, if you would like to bring your class on a school trip to Northern Roots, to work with us to deliver a qualification, or to use our spaces to offer hobby courses or after school activities, get in touch with us at