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Harvest Sunday at Northern Roots

Farewell summer, welcome autumn!

Join us for Harvest Sunday, a celebration of the seasons at the Urban Farm on Sunday 29th September 2 – 4:30pm.

Our final produce sale of 2024 will feature freshly picked veg and herbs, as well as Northern Roots pickles, preserves and infused oils, and Hive5 beekeeper Damson will be selling the first batch of honey made by the bees in our onsite apiary.

We’ll be running some free activities around mindfulness, health and growing, and we’d also love to chat with you about what you’d like to see on the menu in the future Visitor Centre café, what local makers and producers you think we should stock in the Visitor Centre shop, and what you’d particularly like us to grow as we expand the Urban Farm.

Everyone welcome, we look forward to seeing you.

Full activity list to follow.

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