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Tom Barber

‘’I believe having access to healthy, affordable food is a human right, and that we can all be more educated about the food we eat. Northern Roots allows me to do my part, with autonomy and creative freedom. Genuinely engaging with young people and sharing farming knowledge is what holds the most pride for me.’’ Tom, Community Grower

Tom worked in hospitality in Manchester and London for over a decade. From fine dining to street food markets, he experienced the food industry from many angles, and this is where his journey into organic farming began. Tom trained on a farm in Cornwall, growing high quality produce for some of the country’s finest restaurants before moving to Manchester to work with salad growers for Manchester Institution Unicorn Grocery.

At Northern Roots, Tom’s passions are ever developing as he learns the intricacies of growing organic food on the Urban Farm, and designs and builds beautiful community spaces out of reclaimed wood.

Tom has become more focused on food sovereignty and wants healthy chemical free food to be accessible to everyone, which is one of his main drives for being involved in Northern Roots.

Explore the Urban Farm