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Anne Selby

“I’ve been supportive of the Northern Roots project ever since I was first shown round the site and was instrumental in attracting funding from the government’s Green Recovery Challenge Fund to help progress Northern Roots’ aspirations.’’ Anne Selby, former CEO, Lancashire Wildlife Trust

Anne recently retired as the CEO of the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and Merseyside after 30 years at the helm. Her passion is for reconnecting people to nature and working on community based, local initiatives that cover health, food, green infrastructure, environmental education and volunteering.

Anne has held various government appointments, including, Board Member for the NW Development Agency, Heritage Lottery Fund Regional Committee and the NW Forestry and Wildlife Advisory Committee. In Greater Manchester, Anne chairs the Natural Capital Group (Local Nature Partnership) which champions environmental matters.

A farmer’s daughter, Anne’s grew up on a modest mixed farm in North Yorkshire.