Support Us


Northern Roots is being brought to life as a catalyst for economic and environmental regeneration, creativity, entrepreneurship, health and wellbeing, and communal pride.


We are building an innovative new model for harnessing green space, a model that is being developed for and with local communities to deliver sustainable benefits for people, planet and place.

People:  producing healthy food, supporting physical activity, promoting connection with nature and community, and enhancing health and wellbeing.

Planet: managing and improving the landscape to build biodiversity, capture carbon, enhance water quality and increase ecosystem service value.

Place:  generating training, education, jobs and business opportunities, attracting new visitors and investors to Oldham, and enhancing civic pride.


We aim to achieve the following targets by 2030:


  • 300 Natural Health Service prescriptions per year
  • 4,500 school visits per year
  • 150 volunteering placements and 25 work experience placements per year
  • 15 trainee or apprentice positions per year


  • 25% biodiversity net gain, through grassland enrichment, woodland management, tree and hedge planting, and wetland creation
  • 30,000 tonnes of carbon stored in woodland and soils by 2050
  • 400 KWP of green energy generated
  • Water Quality improved and run off reduced
  • Earth worm populations increased by 87 million


  • 100,000 visitors to Northern Roots per year by the year 2027, 300,000 by 2030
  • Supporting up to 40 new businesses
  • 60-80 new jobs created, 20% occupied by people who would otherwise be unemployed.

Learn about our regenerative land practices