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Anna Da Silva

“Northern Roots is both a huge challenge and a huge opportunity. It brings together everything I hold most dear – nature, growing, creativity, community and opportunity. (And a whole lot of dogs!) I couldn’t turn down the chance to help create something that I believe our society needs now more than ever. I love the community that we are creating here, and the new future that we are imagining together for this space. It’s a privilege to be a part of it and to spend my days with such positive, committed people.”  Anna, Chief Executive 

Anna da Silva is the Chief Executive of the Northern Roots charity. A career that has ranged over different continents, sectors and specialisms has equipped her to lead such a unique and wide-ranging project. Having studied languages and international relations, she worked in journalism and international development in conflict zones across Africa and the Middle East for the BBC, the Economist, the United Nations and Medecins sans Frontieres for 15 years, before motherhood put a stop to her travelling. She moved to the North West in 2011 as Head of Strategy for the BBC’s relocation to Salford, then launched the BBC’s first Apps for preschoolers as Executive Producer for CBeebies.

From a long line of farmers and growers, in 2016 Anna joined the RHS to lead the project to create RHS Garden Bridgewater, the Society’s fifth national garden, in Salford. She placed particular emphasis on community engagement and the delivery of social value through the project. In 2019 she took on the leadership of the project to bring Northern Roots to fruition for Oldham Council and in 2022 became the first CEO of the new Northern Roots charity.

In her spare time Anna likes to spend as much time as possible outdoors, gardening, walking her dog and sailing. She still travels to unusual places, and practises her languages, as much as she can.

Vision and Model

Northern Roots is using innovative ways to transform neglected land.