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Meet Simon

The first thing I talk about is the size of the project, how big it is, the plans and the vision. It’s absolutely amazing for an industrial town like Oldham to have a project like this right in the middle of it. So I tell people about how it’s world leading, the first of its kind in the UK.” Simon, Community Grower & Ranger

”I heard about Northern Roots on Twitter, it sounded really interesting. I was having a career change and studying for my RHS Level 2 Horticulture qualification. I had volunteered in Salford but I wanted to volunteer somewhere local to where I live, so to have this project on my doorstep is amazing.

I joined Northern Roots as an Urban Farm & Environmental Volunteer with an open mind, wanting to gain experience about growing and to learn about nature conservation alongside my RHS qualification. In January, the team asked me if I wanted to help prepare the site for the Illuminate 2024 event, and they hired me for a month part-time. They then asked if I wanted to help set up the Phase 2 Urban Farm, so I stayed on. It was fluent and natural. I’m now working as a Community Grower and Ranger, supporting the team with growing, planting trees, anything that needs doing. It’s an amazing project to be a part of.

The other day I made a bench with our volunteers, and everyone was laughing all the way through it. Joking around and getting involved. What stands out more than anything is the amazing people. The people are what makes this an amazing project.”

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